Support Blue Roo

How can I support Blue Roo?


Donations over $2 made to Blue Roo Theatre Company are fully tax-deductible and can be made via one of four options:

Become a friend of the Blue Roo Theatre Company and donate today. 

How can I make a donation?

Direct Deposit

You can make a direct deposit from your bank to our Public Fund bank account using the details to the right.

Don’t forget to send us a quick email at to let us know you have made a donation in order for us to send you a tax receipt. Please state if the donation is for the South Burnett or Brisbane.

ACCOUNT NAME: Blue Roo Theatre Company
BSB: 633-000
Account: 172355869
Reference: Donation “Your name” and “Brisbane” or “South Burnett”

PayPal Giving Fund

Blue Roo Theatre Company uses PayPal to process donations. PayPal supports Australian non-profits, has some of the lowest fees, and allows you to easily give a one-off donation to Blue Roo

Become a Friend of Blue Roo

Your advocacy will collectively champion the idea that every individual, regardless of ability, has a vital role in shaping our cultural and economic communities, and your financial support will directly help production costs, provide opportunities for training and development, create mentored leadership pathways and employment opportunities for emerging actors, producers, directors, stage managers, sound technicians and vodcasters with disability.

The Friends of Blue Roo advocate for and financially support people with disability to be publicly seen and heard, challenging common community perceptions of ability. Join us to empower people with disability.

For me details on becoming a Friend of Blue Roo check out or dedicated Friends page 

Pass it On Giving Campaign

The Pass It On Giving campaign is our ongoing funding raising campaign. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible, and all proceeds directly subsidise and support people with disability who have a passion to participate and learn through subsidised skills development, publicly performing across Queensland. We also provide opportunities for people with disability to lead in their areas of interest in the performing arts through subsidised ‘on the job’ mentoring opportunities with highly regarded and experienced independent Queensland artists and arts workers. We’d appreciated your support.

ACCOUNT NAME: Blue Roo Theatre Company
BSB: 633-000
Account: 172355869
Reference: Donation “Your name” and “Brisbane” or “South Burnett”

Don’t forget to send us a quick email at to let us know you have made a donation in order for us to send you a tax receipt. Please state if the donation is for the South Burnett or Brisbane.

Matched Funding Support

We can match your donation. Big or small.

For more details contact us.


Becoming a Sponsor

Blue Roo is seeking corporate, philanthropic and community partnerships to ensure performers with disability are seen and heard on stages, in public spaces and schools locally and regionally, and globally in digital spaces.

Our vision is to provide opportunities for performers and artists with disability to publicly share their creative abilities, tell their unique stories and have their truths heard.

At Blue Roo, we know that when we encourage people living with disability to take a step into the spotlight and publicly share their stories on stage and digitally, the hearts of our communities beat stronger.  Through their stories, we have the opportunity to appreciate their enduring perseverance, courage, resilience and humour and, importantly, we have the opportunity to evaluate how we respond to difficult times in our own lives.

Each Blue Roo production is unique, thought-provoking and joyful, using ideas developed by the cast and crew with creative guidance from highly respected Queensland independent artists and Directors.

If you share our of values of empowerment, excellence, inclusivity, innovation, passion and fun, please join us. With your financial support, together, we can provide opportunities for people with disability to move from community isolation to community public recognition for their amazing abilities. Blue Roo artists are community role models and advocates for stronger levels of creative and social inclusion across communities.

Please email our office for more information:

Types of Sponsorship

Information to come

Public Performances Sponsorship

Pathways and Holiday Workshops Program Sponsorship

Mentorship Program Sponsorship

Our Sponsors and Partners

Find out more about our valued sponsors and partners on our dedicated page.


The shop page is under development. Please contact us at to ask about T shirts and other items for sale.


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Blue Roo Theatre Company Inc. is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, part of the Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities, and the Arts.