Welcome to our end of year wrap up!
It is hard to believe that 2023 is almost over. What a year it has been!
This year, our ensemble devised and performed two original theatre productions (at five different locations), was invited to perform at the National Disability Conference Queensland Forum, nominated by the public for the 2023 Anywhere Festival’s Comedy Award, toured regional schools, was invited to participate in national film and TV opportunities and three of our ensemble members under mentorship made their public debut as emerging creative leaders in our production of Bridges and the establishment of our first regional outreach centre in South Burnett.
Blue Roo’s growth couldn’t have been possible without the support of Arts Queensland and the commitments of the Friends of Blue Roo. Thank you!
2024 is shaping up to be another fantastic year of new opportunities for creatives with disability to access and lead in the Queensland performing arts. Bring it on!

What’s in this edition?
You can download a PDF copy of the newsletter here!
“Bridges” – Wrap up

And that’s a wrap!
Bridges was an original high melodrama devised and performed by the Blue Roo Theatre Company’s ensemble.
We have received fantastic feedback from our BRIDGES show.
What an incredible journey our actors and crew have been on this year!
And we are beyond proud of our very own Oriel and James, who have taken on the roles of Co-Director and Creative Assistant for this play. These two have done a fantastic job!
Thank you to our audiences, and congratulations to our hard-working cast and crew!

Blue Roo Changes Lives.

Meet Brigid

Introducing Brigid – Brigid joined the Blue Roo this year and has become an integral part of the Blue Roo team. Brigid, an experienced actor, is fun, hard-working and eager to try new creative opportunities. During the year, Brigid has shown us her emerging photography and public relations skills. We managed to ask her a few questions between rehearsals.
1. Favourite colours: Red, green, purple and blue.
2. Favourite movie: I like funny movies and ones that leave you with a message. I don’t like scary movies.
3. What do you like doing? I like to exercise and lift weights at the gym
4. Who did you play in ‘Chased by Rainbows’? I played the part of Rose – the leprechaun’s sister.
5. Who did you play in the last production ‘Bridges’? I played Bess, a wise warrior from the Middle Ages.
Welcome aboard Brigid! You’re amazing.

Christmas Party Fun

On the 23rd November we celebrated International Day of People with Disability a little early with our Blue Roo Christmas party!!!
So much laughter, love, food, music and presents. Everyone received a personalised award for the incredible things they’ve achieved this year.
A special shout-out goes to Cherie Shanahan who received the 2023 Annual Performing Arts Award.

Become a Friend of Blue Roo

‘All people with disability need to excel is the opportunity.’
Approximately 20% of Australians experience some form of disability. Disabilities can come in many forms. Many people with disability experience significant barriers to inclusion in our communities and workplaces.
The Friends of Blue Roo advocate for and financially support people with disability to be publicly seen and heard, challenging common community perceptions of ability and reducing the harmful effects of social isolation.
Your advocacy will collectively champion the idea that every individual, regardless of ability, has a vital role in shaping our cultural and economic communities.
Your financial support will directly help production costs, provide access and participation opportunities in the performing arts, create and sustain mentored performing arts leadership pathways and support employment opportunities for emerging actors, producers, directors, stage managers, sound technicians and vodcasters with disability.
Join us to empower people with disability to access and shine on stage and in public spaces, boost their creative leadership skills and advance their health, wellbeing and confidence.
Every little bit helps. Donations come in various forms, reflecting the diverse ways people contribute based on their preferences, financial capacity, and personal connection to a cause.
Type | Definition | Method | Benefits |
One -Time Donation (D) | Single, non-recurring contribution | Direct debitReference: Name and the letter D | Supports program sustainability. Two complimentary VIP tickets for a production of your choice with donations over $30. |
Recurring Donation (RD) | Regular, ongoing contributions made monthly | Recurring bank debit set up by the donorReference: Name and the letters RD | Provides a steady and predictable source of income, allowing for long-term planning. Two complimentary VIP tickets per production season in June and November for total donations over $60. |
Matching Gifts (MD) | Single or recurring donations made by individuals that their employer or another third-party match. | Direct debit or recurring bank payment set up by an employer or a third party that matches an individual’s single or recurring donation.Reference: Name and the letters MD | Doubles the impact of individual contributions. For individuals, two VIP complimentary tickets per production, in June and November for donations over $60. For employers or third parties, four complimentary VIP tickets per production in June and November and prominent acknowledgement across marketing platforms and in performance programs for donations over $120. |
In-kind Donation or Volunteering | Contributions of goods, services, expertise or time instead of monetary funds. | By discussion or via email. | Provides specific resources needed without direct financial expenditure. Builds your disability awareness and enhances future promotion or employment applications. Prominent acknowledgement across marketing platforms and in performance programs |
We would appreciate your support in 2024.
Find out more about the Friends of Blue Roo

Team Triumphs

My Way featuring Blue Roo Theatre Company
Blue Roo Theatre Company featured in Channel 9’s TV series ‘My Way’, aired on Sunday 8th of October, 2023. Wow! It was an amazing segment. Congratulations Blue Roo-ers!!!
If you missed it, here’s the link: Blue Roo on My Way

Disability Action Week – Mazars
During Disability Action Week 2023 some of our actors (Brigid, Ben, Oriel and James) got to film with Mazars to help their employees understand how best to help people with disability in their work.
Mazars is an international organisation specialising in accounting and legal services in nearly 100 countries and territories.
Disability Action Week ram from 25 November to 2 December 2023 and celebrates Queenslanders with disability and the contributions they make to our families, communities, workplaces and economy.
This year’s theme – ‘Access ignites: it’s good business’ – focuses on increasing employment and economic participation of people with disability.

Blue Roo Mentorship Program in Full Flight 
‘All people with disability need to excel is the opportunity.’
Special thanks and gratitude to the Friends of Blue Roo, who collectively provide opportunities to empower performing artists and arts workers with disability. With your support, everything is possible!
Huge congratulations!!
Cherie (Assistant Producer) in her mentored leadership role to create the Blue Roo South Burnett Regional Outreach Program.
On their public debuts in mentored leadership roles for the successful Bridges production, Oriel (Co-Director) and James (Creative Assistant).

Huge Thanks!!
To our mentors Laraine, Brett, Vivien and Dale in supporting and empowering our new emerging performing arts leaders with disability to fly high in their new leadership pathways.

What’s on this Summer?

The Blue Roo Theatre Company will be closed for Xmas break from 22 December, 2023 until 8 January 2024.
Stay tuned for web, Facebook and email updates on the 2024 program. There are lots of fun activities in store for participants old and new.
If you want to get ahead of the pack, please drop us a line and we will make sure that you get all of the updates: info@bluerootheatre.org.au
What’s happening in 2024
2024 Pathways to Performance Theatre Program
Registrations now open!
- The Pathways to Performance Program is open to performers of all abilities and skill levels.
- Join us on Thursday afternoons from12.30 pm to 3.30 pm
- You will develop narrative skills, acting techniques, stage craft and learn in a team setting that is safe, engaging and fun!
- Every performer in the program will help shape public performances under the guidance of some of the best independent artists and Directors in Queensland.
- As you learn, you perform more often throughout the year in different types of public settings.
- Each term you will have the opportunity to perform in theatres and public spaces in professional costumes, telling stories you helped to design.
- You will also have the opportunity to tour – spreading the joy to Queensland schools and regional communities.
Meet new friends! Laugh together! Wow yourself and the world!
*NEW* 2024 Pathways to Performance – Unleash Your Inner Clown!
Registrations now open!
- Join us on Thursday mornings from 9 am to 12 noon for “The Art of Clown and Comedy,” a life-changing, unforgettable, laughter-packed journey of essential performance skills brought to you by Blue Roo Theatre Company.
- Clint Bolster is the creative force behind this captivating program, with over 20 years of experience in Clowning, Physical Acting, Mask Theatre, and as a Teaching Artist. Clint has graced stages in Australia and globally, most recently in the 2023 Australian Tour of Slava’s Snow Show (www.slavasnowshow.com.au).
- More information is available via our Workshops & Opportunities page.
- Email us at info@bluerootheatre.org.au
*NEW* 2024 Pathways to Performance – Outreach (South Burnett)
Registrations open 16 January!
- Email us at info@bluerootheatre.org.au for more information.
2024 Holiday Workshops
Blue Roo has something for you!
- Want to have fun, meet new people and learn new skills?
- Holiday workshops are scheduled five times a year throughout 2024.
- These workshops are interactive (doing not listening!).
- Workshop details are posted a month or two before the date, but you can register your interest now by emailing Blue Roo: info@bluerootheatre.org.au
January Workshop (Thursday 18):
- Improvising fun
- Registrations now open!
April Workshop (Thursday 11):
- Move to the Groove
June Workshop (Thursday 20):
- My First Short Film
September Workshop (Thursday 26):
- Roving Reporter Vodcasting
December Workshop (Thursday 19)
- Create Your Own Digital Christmas Message
If you want to get ahead of the pack, please drop us a line and we will make sure that you get all of the updates: info@bluerootheatre.org.au
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