Newsletter: June – July 2023

Welcome to our June – July 2023 newsletter!

It is hard to believe that we are over halfway through 2023 already. So much is happening here at the Blue Roo Theatre Company. 

What’s Up in June and July gives you performance and workshop dates and when we’re hiring. June is whizzing along with our Brisbane production season for Chased by Rainbows, soon to be followed by our Chased by Rainbows regional schools tour in mid-July.

Channel 9, a Friend of Blue Roo, is filming our final Brisbane Chased by Rainbows performance on 24 June, ready for the My Way episode featuring Blue Roo , to be released in early November!

We turn the Spotlights on Lincoln and Channel 9 (Friend of Blue Roo), celebrate the Team’s latest achievements and launch our 2023 Pass It On Giving campaign which changes the lives of people with disability in the performing arts.

What’s in this edition?

“Chased by Rainbows”Tickets available now!

Are you looking for a unique and heart-warming theatre experience filled with laughter, music, madness and mayhem? Then don’t miss this adventure into the unknown!

Chased By Rainbows is an original high melodrama devised and performed by the Blue Roo Theatre Company’s ensemble. An original script, original music that rocks the room and a WHOLE LOT OF FUN for all ages!

The ensemble will have you in stitches as they weave together the story of a fearless band of unique heroes, a race to save the world from impending disaster, and redemption. Will they succeed? Hold your breath!! 

Join us in this new interactive, whacky family-friendly adventure to find out!

Tickets are already selling for our next Chased by Rainbows performance – 24 June 2023 from 2:30 p.m. The Lavalla Centre Hall. 58 Fernberg Road Paddington, QLD 4064

Get your tickets here:…/chased-by-rainbows…

We have received amazing feedback from our first CHASED BY RAINBOWS show. Thank you to our audiences and congratulations to our hard-working cast and crew!

Note: Channel 9 will be filming this show as part of their ‘My Way’ television series featuring the Blue Roo Theatre Company in Season 7.

Blue Roo Changes Lives.

See you at the show!

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Meet Lincoln

Introducing LINCOLN – Lincoln is fun, quirky and hard-working and we’re pleased he has returned to Blue Roo. At rehearsal last week, we got to know him a little better…

1. Favourite colour? Red and yellow like Gryffindor (Harry Potter).

2. Favourite movie? Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

3. Who do you play in ‘Chased by Rainbows’? O’Really the Leprechaun.

4. What do you enjoy about acting? I love becoming a different character in each play.

5. What do you like doing? I love socialising with friends and I also love acting.

A big thank you to our Roving Reporter Oriel for this interview. Welcome Lincoln! 💙🦘

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Friends of Blue Roo: Channel 9 & “My Way”

The Roo is out of the bag and on the box.

Blue Roo Theatre Company will feature in Channel 9’s TV series ‘My Way’, which will air later this year.

The first day shooting was in late March.

Channel 9 will be filming at the June performance off “Chased by Rainbows ‘ show as part of their ‘My Way’ television series featuring the Blue Roo Theatre Company in Season 7.

We cannot wait to share our magic and joy with the rest of Australia 🥰

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Giving Months – Pass it On

June and July are Giving Months for the Blue Roo Theatre Company. We are proud to launch our Pass it On campaign to celebrate changing lives.

Too often, people living with a disability are not publicly seen or heard, and their contributions to our daily lives go largely unnoticed.

At Blue Roo, we know that when we encourage people living with disability to take a step into the spotlight and publicly share their stories on stage and digitally, the hearts of our communities beat stronger.  

Through their unique stories and performances, we have the opportunity to appreciate their enduring perseverance, courage, resilience and humour, and, importantly, we have the chance to evaluate how we respond, as individuals, to difficult times in our own lives.

If you can, we would appreciate your help to change the lives of people with disability. 

The Pass it On campaign sustains Blue Roo’s vision for the artistic development of people living with disability to create a different health, social, confidence and employment future of their choosing through the performing arts. 

The Pass It On campaign changes lives. We are working hard to support people with disability who have a passion for the performing arts to participate in, learn and lead future stage and digital productions through subsided skills development and ‘on the job’ mentoring opportunities in a safe and joyful environment. 

All Pass It On donations over $2 are tax deductible. Individual, family, business and corporate donations to the Pass It On campaign will be publicly acknowledged as a Friend of Blue Roo on our website and in our newsletter. 

Donations can be made here EventBrite, and Donations Page

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Team Triumphs

Chased by Rainbows nominated for 2023 Anywhere Festival Award!

Exciting news! Blue Roo’s Chased by Rainbows has been nominated for the 2023 Anywhere Festival (Brisbane and Moreton Bay) Comedy Award. 

Congratulations to our amazing cast and crew! Many thanks to our partners, sponsors and wonderful volunteers; without you, this would not be possible. 

We’re looking forward to our final Brisbane performance on 24 June (to be filmed by Channel 9’s My Way team) before heading off on our regional schools tour in July.

Ensemble members zip through the air for national TV!

Nice one! Tessa and Brigid were hired as extras for an upcoming episode of Channel 9’s My Way featuring the Tree Top Challenge. They flew through the air on a flying fox zipping through treetops! Challenge completed. Confidence boosted. There’s no stopping them now! 

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What’s on in June & July ?


June Performances

19 June: Chased by RainbowsA Snippet, Dept of Disability Services’ Australian Disability Strategy Qld forum, Brisbane City.

24 June: Chased by Rainbows, Paddington, Brisbane. Tickets $ 11- $14, selling fast. 

We’re Hiring 

Position: Development and Fundraising Coordinator 

Expressions of Interest open on 20 June 2023.

To register your interest, please email, with the subject heading Applicant Information Pack for further information, and submit your completed expression of interest before the close of business 7 July, 2023.


July Performances

13/20 July: Regional school tour performances, Scenic Rim and Moreton

Registrations for July Workshops

6 July: School holiday workshop, Paddington, Brisbane.

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