Welcome to our Spring 2023 newsletter!
It is hard to believe that it is Spring again already. So much is happening here at the Blue Roo Theatre Company. What’s Up in Spring gives you the full September, October and November agenda and the Events and Activities Calendar for the rest of the year.
We are motoring along with our Brisbane production season for Bridges, and hope to see you live in November.
Channel 9, a Friend of Blue Roo, is gearing up to air the Blue Roo Theatre Company team (including sections filmed from our final Brisbane performance of Chased by Rainbows) My Way episode. It will be released in early November. Did you attend a performance? You just might be on national TV.
We turn the Spotlights on Cherie and The Baking Bunch, celebrate out Team members’ latest artistic achievements, and launch the Pass it On Giving campaign. Come along on our journey and be a part of the Blue Roo Theatre Company experience.
What’s in this edition?
“Bridges” – Coming in November!

Are you looking for a unique and heart-warming theatre experience? Then don’t miss this time travel adventure into the unknown!
A unique, thought-provoking, theatre experience collaboratively devised and performed by the Blue Roo Theatre Company Ensemble with original storytelling and music.
Bridges follows the journey of Frank, a time traveller searching for answers to reset life in his post-apocalyptic world. His journey examines a series of critical interactions through time. Hold your breath and join us in this new interactive, family-friendly adventure!
Tickets sales open on 2 October through Eventbrite – for performances on Friday, 17 November 2023 from 6.30 pm and Saturday, 18 November 2023 from 2:30 pm at the Lavalla Hall, 57 Fernberg Road, Paddington, 4064.
See you at the show!
Blue Roo Changes Lives.

Meet Cherie

Introducing Cherie – Cherie has been with the Blue Roo family since 2022, travelling from Kingaroy to Brisbane for Thursday rehearsals and public performances. She has a wicked sense of humour and is in the process of establishing a Blue Roo Outreach Program in the South Burnett Region. We managed to ask her a few questions between rehearsals.
1. Favourite colour: Blue (like the ocean)
2. Favourite music: Country music, especially Tim McGraw
3. What do you like doing? Watching baseball, collecting New York Yankees memorabilia, and acting on stage and in films.
4. Why do you travel to Brisbane to participate in Blue Roo? When I was younger, I wasn’t able to do theatre and I like being on stage. I also like to visit family and friends in Brisbane when I can.
5. What one thing do you most want to do? To be in Home and Away.
6. What advice would you give to aspiring actors? Start young and make it happen.
7. What are you most proud of? Not being as shy as I was.
8. Who are you playing in the new production ‘Bridges’? I am the Narrator.
It’s simply wonderful to have Cherie as part of our Blue Roo Team!

Friends of Blue Roo: The Baking Bunch

The Baking Bunch is a developing social enterprise supporting young people with disabilities to learn, grow, belong and work located in Newstead, Brisbane.

Spring is here and Christmas is coming!! There is no better way to spoil your loved ones and friends than with the Baking Bunch’s delicious (and addictive) baked goods, made to order by the baking team with love.
Spread the word about the Baking Bunch and share the love.

Pass it On Campaign

The Pass It On fundraising campaign supports Blue Roo’s vision for people living with disability who are passionate about performing to participate in, learn and lead future stage and digital productions in a safe and joyful environment, creating a different health, social, and employment future.
We know that when people with disability take a step into the public spotlight, their lives change, and the hearts of our communities beat stronger.
For those who can, please consider contributing to Pass it On. We would appreciate your help.
All Pass It On donations over $2 are tax deductible. Individual, family, business and corporate contributions to the Pass It On campaign will be publicly acknowledged as a Friend of Blue Roo on our website and newsletters. Donate here.

Team Triumphs

Our Chased by Rainbows performance season and regional schools tour was another audience hit!

The Ensemble was excited to be nominated for the 2023 Anywhere Festival (Brisbane and Moreton) Comedy Award

Oriel was selected as Co-Director, and James as Creative Assistant for the BRIDGES production season in November. Well-earnedachievements! The emerging workforce of the disability performing arts sector is in steady hands.

Channel 9, a Friend of Blue Roo, is gearing up to air the Blue Roo Theatre Company team (including sections filmed from our final Brisbane performance of Chased by Rainbows) My Way episode. It will be released in early November. Did you attend a performance? You just might be on national TV.

Cherie and James had a great time filming as extras for the Sea World episodeof Channel 9’s ‘My Way’ .

What’s on this Spring?

Thursdays: Rehearsals for ‘Bridges’
21 September: September Holiday Workshop
Thursdays: Rehearsals for ‘Bridges’
2 October: Tickets for ‘Bridges’ go on sale through Eventbrite
17 November: ‘Bridges” – 6:30 pm at Lavalla Hall, 57 Fernberg Road, Paddington, 4064.
18 November: ‘Bridges” – 2:30 pm at Lavalla Hall, 57 Fernberg Road, Paddington, 4064.:
TBA: Blue Roo Theatre Company featured on “My Way”