Friends of Blue Roo

Approximately 20% of Australians experience some form of disability. Disabilities can come in many forms. Many people with disability experience significant barriers to inclusion in our communities and workplaces.

Download our Friends of Blue Roo Information Sheet.

What do Friends of Blue Roo do?

The Friends of Blue Roo advocate for and financially support people with disability to be publicly seen and heard, challenging common community perceptions of ability and reducing the harmful effects of social isolation. 

Your advocacy will collectively champion the idea that every individual, regardless of ability, has a vital role in shaping our cultural and economic communities. 

Your financial support will directly help production costs, provide access and participation opportunities in the performing arts, create and sustain mentored performing arts leadership pathways and support employment opportunities for emerging actors, producers, directors, stage managers, sound technicians and vodcasters with disability.

Join us to empower people with disability to access and shine on stage and in public spaces, boost their creative leadership skills and advance their health, wellbeing and confidence.  

Becoming a Friend

Donations come in various forms, reflecting the diverse ways people contribute based on their preferences, financial capacity, and personal connection to a cause.

One -Time Donation (D)Single, non-recurring contribution    Direct debitSupports program sustainability. Two complimentary VIP tickets for a production of your choice for donations over $30.
Recurring Donation(RD)Regular, ongoing contributions made monthlyRecurring bankdirect debit set up by the donorProvides a steady and predictable source of income, allowing for long-term planning.Two complimentary VIP tickets per production season in June and November totally over $60.
Matching Gifts(MD)Single or recurring donations made by individuals that their employer or another third-party match.Direct debit or recurring bank payment set up by an individual (D or RD) and the employer or third party (MD) matchesDoubles the impact of individual contributions.
For individuals, two VIP complimentary tickets per production, in June and November for donations over $60.
For employers or third parties, four complimentary VIP tickets per production in June and November for donations over $120 and prominent acknowledgement across all marketing platforms and in performance programs. 
In-kind Donation or Volunteering Contributions of goods, services, expertise or time instead of monetary funds.By discussion or via email.Provides specific resources needed by the organisation without direct financial expenditure. Builds your disability awareness and enhances future promotion or employment applications.

Our friends and supporters

  • Thank you so much to everyone. Your collaboration, help, and support are changing lives and community perceptions of ability every single day.



Access Arts

Arts Queensland

Aspley Special School


(The) Baking Bunch

Clint Bolster

Body Fit Training (Albion)

Virginia Boyle

Brisbane City Council

(The) Broadbent Family

Burnett Today (South, Central and North)


Channel 9 (My Way)

(The) Estate of Neville B Corrie

Creative Futures Photography (Geoff Lawrence)

Crossroads Arts (Mackay)

D – E

Simone De Haas

(The) Estate of Rosemary Edwards

Dylan Evans Photography


Gold Coast Suns

Lorraine Griffin

Laraine Griffiths


(The) Halpin Family

Janine Hancox

J – K

Henry and Sarah Jackson

Sarah Jackson, Writer

The Loakes Family

Travis Johnson and family


Lunch Lady Magazine

Mazars’ HR and IR Consulting division

Shannon Molloy, author


Opera Queensland

Peachy by Lina

Portmanteaux Band

Q – R

Redlands College

Jess Richards Fitness

Resilence FX


St Paul’s Thrift Shop, Ashgrove

Mark Souter-Robertson

Michael Souter-Robertson

Stewart Thompson, Centacare Qld

John Thurgood


Variety Queensland- the Children’s Charity

Vivien Whittle

W -Z

Deborah Walker

Genevieve Wells

Whizz Cleaning Services (Brisbane)

Whittleberry Productions

Woodhill State School

Ways to support Blue Roo Theatre Company

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Become a sponsor

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