Workshop fun! These actors have taken the next step towards professional work. Congrats to all involved!

Workshop fun! These actors have taken the next step towards professional work. Congrats to all involved!
The devising process is under way for our next production “‘Tis the Season’. There are still a few spots available in our Pathways to Performance Program. If you or someone you know would like this opportunity, email us at
The Blue Roofle has been drawn. Here is a list of winning Entries:
Thanks for your support of the Raffle. If you have any questions, you can contact us by going to the Raffle Page and clicking “CONTACT ORGANIZER” in the lower right corner of your screen.
Thanks for your support! If you have questions, contact Blue Roo Theatre Company for assistance.
Welcome to the new look Blue Roo Theatre Company website. We are in the process of activating all of the buttons and links, but expect that everything will be operating as it should by the end of August 2022. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and keep supporting Blue Roo Theatre Company.
The Blue Roo Inaugural Charity Raffle is LIVE! Thanks to our raffle sponsors, their generosity, and the hard work of Cam, our Promotions and Fundraising Officer. The raffle closes on the 15th of August and draws on the 16th of August.
Jump to the Raffle website – The 2022 Blue Roo Charity Raffle has something for everyone, and has multiple prize winners. See our sponsors’ prize donations below.
How you can support the Inaugural 2022 Blue Roo Charity Raffle
1. Purchase some tickets, and most importantly,
2. Become a Blue Roo Charity Raffle Ambassador – by spreading the news of the raffle news across your friends, family, social media contacts and work networks. The wider we spread the news, the closer we edge towards our raffle goal.
Thank you, in advance, for supporting our artists and arts workers with a disability to tell their stories and shine on stage, in public spaces and on film, tour regional Queensland schools and ‘wow’ communities worldwide with their ability and joy.
Warm regards
Blue Roo Team
Our Sponsors and their fabulous donations have something for everyone.
Sport and Fitness
Sustainable Clothing
Home Delights
Food Glorious Food
Event Photography
Creative and Performing Arts