We can’t wait for 2025!
Email us at info@bluerootheatre.org.au for more information on how to join our ensemble.

We can’t wait for 2025!
Email us at info@bluerootheatre.org.au for more information on how to join our ensemble.
Coming soon…
A new Blue Roo Program for young adults aged 16-25. Email info@bluerootheatre.org.au for more information
Check out this inclusive artistic experience hosted in the State Library of Queensland in January:
Immerse yourself in a vibrant world of creativity and colour with this unique workshop hosted by talented artist, Annika Strand and her co-collaborator Soraya del Castillo.
In this inclusive disability led hands-on, nose-on, creative art workshop, prepare to challenge the norms of artmaking as you explore the canvas using your nose and various body parts, to push the boundaries of artistic expression and challenge your own ideas of what is possible.
Location: State Library of Queensland
Dates and Times: 8, 10, 15 and 17 January, 10 am – 12 pm
Recommended ages 8+
Cost: $15
Ticket link to book and learn more: https://www.slq.qld.gov.au/whats-on/sniffing-colours-0
Thank you Burnett Today for our write-up and your support!
Our one-and-only Kingaroy show is next Saturday the 9th of November – BRING IT ON!!!!!
South Burnett Regional Council
More choreography and rehearsal fun!
A big thank you to Bethy for helping our South Burnett Ensemble learn to line dance which you can see in A SMALL DAY OUT AT THE RODEO in Kingaroy for ONE SHOW ONLY!!!
Get your super affordable tickets here: https://events.humanitix.com/a-small-day-out-at-the-rodeo
We can’t wait to see you there!!!
Mayor Kathy Duff – South Burnett
South Burnett Regional Council
Danita Potter – SBRC Division 3
Less than a month until this exciting new program starts!
There a still a few places available – email us at info@bluerootheatre.org.au for more information.
Yes…it’s true!
Don’t miss out on our new 22-week pilot Pathways to Performance development program led by the one-and-only Clint Bolster…
Clint is the globally renowned creative force and teaching artist behind this charming, life-changing performance development program, for people of all abilities to build performance and personal resilience skills through comedy and laughter.
Check out Clint’s website here: https://www.clintbolster.com/
If you or someone you know needs more laughter in their life on a Thursday morning, email us at info@bluerootheatre.org.au for more information and to secure your spot.
Places are limited, so everyone gets the attention they need and of course…their time to shine!