Two Spots left – Pathways to Performance

We start back in ONE WEEK with auditions for our first production of the year!!!

We have TWO SPOTS remaining in our Pathways to Performance (Theatre) Program 2025. We keep our groups small so everyone receives the attention (and time to shine) that they deserve.

If you’d like a chance to join our welcoming, warm and wonderful ensemble, email us at

[Image description: A group of 7 people with their hands in the air, smiling in celebration.]

Arts Queensland

Blue Roo Activites

Today we played with character and discussed objectives (what does your character want?) and motivation (why do they want it?).

Some very interesting layers forming for MIDNIGHT AT THE CEMETERY – awesome work everyone!

And congrats to Oriel and James who ran fantastic warm up activities. 🤩

Arts Queensland

Term Two is underway

Aaaaand we’re off!!! Blue Roo Term 2 is here!

Lovely to laugh with old faces and new.

We have limited space available – if you’d like to join our Pathways to Performance program, email us at 😍

Arts Queensland

[Image description: A group of people smiling with their hands in the air]